2023 Vermeer BC1800XL Gas Brush Chipper Machine has 1 year warranty or up to 1,000 hours. Low hours. Whether you are a municipality or a tree service company and working on a jobsite which calls for large-diameter chipping, look to the Vermeer BC1800XL gas brush chipper. Built with strength for demanding conditions, it has the power needed for land-clearing and tree care operations.


Manufacturer Vermeer
Category Landscape
Price $69,900.00 USD
Location Madison, WI - Nate Strang, Call 608.469.2102
Stock Number 1800XL52162U
Year 2023
Condition Used
Hours 170


Attachment Serial Number 1VRD15AG4P1052162
Capacity 19 in (48.3 cm)
Cutting Height 107 in (271.8 cm)
Cutting Width 26.2 in (66.4 cm)
Diameter 2 in (5.1 cm)
Driver Position 4: E-Stop, Forward, Neutral, Reverse
Exterior Light Type LED
Feed System Type Open Center
Number of Chipper Knives 4
Number of Feed Rollers 2
Wheels 17.5" x 6.75" BC of 8 on 6.5"